If you’re unhappy with the size, shape, or perkiness of your breasts, surgery can help. At Houston Cosmetic Surgery Center, David Davila, DO, FACOS, and the team offer breast augmentation to increase your cup size and breast lifts to reduce sagging skin. Women who live in or around Houston, Texas, who want the added confidence that comes from breast enhancement can call the office or book a consultation using the online tool.
Anyone who desires larger, perkier breasts is a candidate for breast augmentation. You may also have uneven breasts that you wish to make more symmetrical, or your breasts may have lost shape and fullness due to the natural aging process or childbirth and breastfeeding.
Dr. Davila consults with you to determine the procedure and implant type, size, and shape that work best for your goals and body type. He has performed more than hundreds of breast augmentations and uses this vast experience to recommend the right one to enhance your look.
During breast augmentation, you’re placed under IV sedation, so you’re asleep and comfortable. You decide prior to surgery where you wish the incision to be – either through the crease beneath the breast, around the border of the areola, or through the apex of the armpit.
Dr. Davila makes a 3-centimeter incision to insert saline implants and a 3.5- to 4-centimeter incision to insert silicone implants. The type of implant you choose depends on your goals and preferences.
Most women recover relatively quickly following breast augmentation. If you have a sedentary job, you can return to work after about one week.
Dr. Davila gives you guidelines regarding physical activity post-surgery, but you usually need to take at least four weeks off vigorous exercise and work.
During the immediate recovery period, you’ll wear a specialized bra to help your pectoral muscles heal from the surgery.
Women may experience sagging of breast tissue and skin due to aging and the natural weight of the breasts. Notable weight loss and pregnancy or breastfeeding can also cause sagging breasts.
A breast lift removes sagging skin to restore the overall perkiness and youthful look of your breasts. Breast lifts are often performed in the office with mild sedation. In some cases, a breast lift is enhanced with implants.
To determine the best treatment to help you get the firmer, perkier, and larger breasts you desire, call Houston Cosmetic Surgery Center, or book a consultation using the online tool.