Otoplasty refers to cosmetic and/or functional surgery carried out to improve the shape and size of the human ear and bring it in sync with the person’s face. This form of surgery can also correct structural defects in the ear that are present since birth or repair cuts and twists that may happen after an accident.
The patient’s health insurance plan may or may not cover this surgery depending on their coverage policy. Ear-shaping surgery is considered an aesthetic procedure and improves self-confidence of teenagers and children if they have misshapen ears. The ear-shaping procedure, or otoplasty, can pin back ears that are slightly sticking out or reposition ears to make them symmetrical to each other.
- When a person has very small or very large ears
- When ears are oddly placed and are disproportionate to the face
- When ears stick out prominently
- When an accident has led to misshapen ears
Ear surgery can be carried out on a child or adult, and depending on the age and physical condition of the patient, Dr. Davila will give advice regarding medication and pre-operative diet. Besides asking the adult patient to abstain from smoking for a few weeks before surgery, Dr. Davila will advise patients to stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs that can increase bleeding.
For early recovery, an ear surgery patient should refrain from smoking for a few weeks post- surgery, rinse the skin around their ears with warm water, and wear sunscreen when outdoors.
After the surgery, there will be drains placed close to the incision sites to remove all excess fluid and blood, which reduces chances of pus formation and complications. During the first week of recovery, you will have to rest frequently to speed up the healing process and keep your head elevated to maintain blood flow.
Stitches are removed a week after surgery during a follow-up appointment, but if they are absorbable stitches then they will not have to be removed.
Anesthesia is given before the procedure. Monitors will be attached to your body to constantly check heartbeat, blood pressure, and pulse rate.
All incisions for ear surgery are made on the rear surface of the ear so that any post-surgical marks are hidden by hair. If incisions have to be made in the front section of ears, then these are made within the ear folds. All incisions for ear surgeries are stitched up with sutures that keep the newly shaped tissues of the ear in place.
If the procedure is being used to correct protruding ears, Dr. Davila will use surgical methods to increase the rim of the ear and to reduce enlarged concavity of the external ear.
Though every individual’s body has its own recovery mechanism, you should follow all care instructions from Dr. Davila for a speedy recovery and to avoid infection. Results of ear surgery are long-lasting, so make sure you go with skilled cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Davila, an experienced medical professional.