Breast revision is among the top breast-related cosmetic surgery procedures conducted in the United States and across Europe. It is done to give women’s breasts a proportionate shape and size to improve their aesthetic appearance.

A breast revision procedure can be carried out to correct aesthetic issues or health complications. It can involve removing wrongly placed breast implants, replacing implants with new ones, and more. Breast revision surgery has to be carried out after every 10 to 12 years for those with breast implants, since breast implants must always be replaced eventually.

The breast revision procedure is more difficult than breast augmentation, as the cosmetic surgeon has to deal with scar tissue and other anatomical changes that have occurred after previous implants.

Communication during the initial consultation is very important; lack of communication between the patient and the cosmetic surgeon about desired results may prove detrimental to the outcome of the procedure.

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  • The breast implant has a leak or has become deflated.
  • The existing implants give the breasts an undesirable size, shape, or general appearance.
  • The breast implant’s position has changed.
  • The scar tissue around the implant is painful and tight.
  • Breast tissue has changed due to weight loss or gain.


Implant Size Change – If your implant size is making you feel uncomfortable then you can get breast revision surgery. Dr. Davila would reopen the previous pocket and accommodate a smaller or larger implant based on your choice.

Treatment of Capsular Contracture – With capsular contracture, the scar-tissue capsule around the implant becomes hard and contracts. Under this situation, Dr. Davila may alter or remove the capsule and/or the implant itself.

Implant Drift or Rippling Implant – Sometimes, due to vigorous exercise or other factors, the breast implant may move away from its original position and come towards the outer layer of the pocket. This can give the breast skin a rippled look and can create the appearance of badly positioned breasts.

To correct implant drift and rippling, Dr. Davila will reinsert implants in a different location with thicker muscle and tissues so they stay snugly in place. He may also manipulate scar tissue to provide implants with additional support.

Malpositioned Implant – During the original breast augmentation procedure, breast implants may have been improperly placed, leading to the look of asymmetry and/or malpositioned breasts. To correct this, Dr. Davila will adjust the positioning of the implants.

Elevation of Nipple and Areola position – If the breasts have become misshapen and have to be augmented, nipples and areolae also have to be repositioned to make them look natural. To do this, incisions are made around areolae for lifting and tightening the tissue around the area to bring it on a symmetric level with rest of the breast.

The goal of every breast revision procedure is to help you achieve natural-looking results while making your experience as comfortable as possible. Discuss your breast revision needs and goals with Dr. Davila, a skilled cosmetic surgeon with a wealth of experience.